2023 Season Overview
2023 Season: The Game
The game for the 2023 season was "Charged Up". In this game, teams were given the task to place cones and cubes on "nodes" to make a "link". A "link" is defined as three cones and/or cubes next to each other horizontally and gives points to an alliance of three teams. Teams can earn extra points by docking on the "charge station". The team with the most points when time expires, wins the match!
2023 Season: The Awards
Over the season, we have gotten 9 awards which include...
1 District Title
FIM Bellville District Finals Winner
3 Judges Awards
Rookie All Star Award
Rookie Inspiration
Highest Rookie Seed
5 Awards from Other Teams
Safety Award from Gems #4362
Rookie Award from Eagle Evolution #3322
Best Rookie Award from Algonac Muskrats #5860
Helping Hand Award from Knight Vision #3175
World Class Rookies from The Dragons #302
See all of these awards and get a description of each by clicking the button below.

2023 Season: The Recap
We have prepared a recap video highlighting the most important parts of this season and how we took nothing and turned it into something. Check it out!
Our Community Impact
Over the limited time that we've had, we have managed to really get our community together. Here were some events we've done:
Bottle Drive Fundraiser
Back in early December of 2022 (Pre-Season), we hosted a Bottle Drive to help fund our team. This has raised awareness within our community and also helped the environment around us to reduce waste
Cornhole Tournament
In late February, we had a cornhole cornhole tournament fundraiser to help fund our team a bit better. This was a success as it brought people from other communities together for a bit of cornhole, raffles, and fun.
Iron Mikes Fundraiser
If you live in New Boston, then you probably know about Iron Mikes. Well Iron Mikes was generous enough to give 10% of their revenue and donate it to our program. This was as per usual a success.
These were just the fundraisers we were able to pull off on a short notice. We plan to host more exciting events, camps, and more, in the future. Check out our off season page for more information.
What our team members say
We have asked our team members to fill out a quick survey about how they felt on the team. Of those who volunteered, here's what they said:
"Before FRC, I've always thought that I would never get to apply my programming training to a real life senario in High School. Thanks to FRC and to Tech Tr1be, I have greatfully recieved the opportunity to do just this. To apply my in-class training, and to learn real programming concepts and skills used in the workforce like programming a PID and motors."
-Zacharias McCormick, Class of '24
"Robotics has allowed me to meet so many amazing people. It has given me the opportunity to turn my ideas into a reality and see my hard work pay off and truly become something to be proud of. "
- Stephanie Suciu, Class of '23
"Many lessons and new ideas where learned from being apart of the Tech Tr1be team, an example I can give that EVERYONE will agree with is learning to fail to succeed. We all at the start where scared to fail and mess up, but after this lingering fear, we struggled deeply to progress. Once we learned that failure is truly a building block for success, we now more confidently lay down our cards and move forward. Thanks to this team, I was allowed to grow and improve in all sorts of fields that aren't robotics related. Huge example is teamwork and communication. This team allowed me to be myself and get stuff done, everyone got along and wanted to have a good time. We aren't just co-workers trying to go from point A to B, we're a family growing together. This is a quote that stuck with me that I believe applies: "if you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together." I believe the number one thing that sets us apart from all the other Huron teams and other robotic teams is our core group. We bonded so close together and truly found sister and brotherhood. We all look forward to be around each other, ready to accomplish tasks or simply hang out and have a good time. We refuse to leave each other behind, everyone is willing to carry weights for others. It's safe to say that out of my 4 years I had the most fun and learned the most with this group."
- Tyler Suvada Spicer, Class of '23
"i loved how much of a connection robotics gave me all the amazing people i have become friends with it became a safe space for anything and i loved the connection it gave me to the teachers i would never have before. it also provided a opportunity to learn and experience so many different things "
- Anna Hussy
"Before FRC, I never realized that building a robot from the ground up would be so easy. I thought that it would take years to make a new robot, but it only took a couple of months for our team. My biggest challenge was not harming myself, due to my idiocy I now have a scar from working on the robot. My favorite part of the team was my teammates, without them I would have not enjoyed robotics. "
- Deegan Richardson, Class of '25
"Being on the robotics team is such a fun experience. I’ve gotten to know lots of people I would have never talked to other wise. I’ve also learned lots of lessons about how to plan and execute a design. "
- Emma James, Class of '25